Contentbox headline
!tradeoff add, Valor
example: !tradeoff add, 5000 (5K)
(O seu item deve está no SLOT da fecha)
!tradeoff add, Nome do item
example: !tradeoff add, Golden Legs
(O seu item deve está no SLOT da fecha)
!tradeoff add, Nome do item, quantia
example: !tradeoff add, Mega Coins, 10
(O seu item deve está no SLOT da fecha)
!tradeoff buy, AuctionID
example: !tradeoff buy, 1943
!tradeoff remove, AuctionID
example: !tradeoff remove, 1943
!tradeoff info, AuctionID
example: !tradeoff info, 1943
!tradeoff active
This command shows which offers you have active.

Item Name
No Offers at the moment.

Next Server Save

Cuckoo Clock.gif Cuckoo Clock.gif
2 2 2 2
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0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box Monster of the Week
The Bossing Of Ice
Boss Time Respawn
Donate Hydra
Exp +30%
Loot +33%
Monster of the Week