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World Information
Status: Offline
Players Online: 10 Players Online
Online Record: 20 players (on Sep 24 2024, 19:02:07 -03)
Creation Date: 24/04/2019
Location: Montreal - Canadá
PvP Type: Open PvP

Players Online [ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ]  
Name  [sort] Level   [sort] Vocation  [sort]
Aviici484Elder Druid
Kina Leda568Elite Knight
Leo Jti722Undead Gladiator
Lorde Jubileu580Master Sorcerer
Mage Master776Demon Wizard
Matutero589Elite Knight
Outro642Hell Archer
Shuu Peypao658Nature Healer
Titulim617Hell Archer
Trovarius Bolt480Royal Paladin

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Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box Monster of the Week
Headshot Barbarian
Boss Time Respawn
Exp +25%
Loot +21%
Monster of the Week
1- Mage Master
776 - Master Sorcerer
2- Leo Jti
722 - Elite Knight
3- Intzwins
709 - Master Sorcerer
4- Intzwinsz
705 - Royal Paladin
5- Ddruid
696 - Elder Druid
Castle 21Hrs